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You Never Get a Second Chance to Make a First Good Impression

Oxford Realty and its staff of professionals in the real estate industry are proud to be assisting you in the sale of your home. “You never get a second chance to make a first good impression.” Keeping this age-old adage in mind, we have prepared a checklist for you which will not only relieve any stress you may feel with regard to showings, but will assist you in placing your property heads above comparable properties in your price range.

It is always best if you can vacate the premises during showings, unless circumstances prevent doing so. If you stay and you have children, do not allow the children to follow the visitors as the potential buyers will feel like intruders and will hurry through the showing. Pets should be removed and confined as some buyers will be annoyed by pets while other will be distracted from the showing.

Soft music play (TV turned off) and a pleasing aroma such as fresh baked goods, or the sent of vanilla, cinnamon or a mild potpourri, will quietly speak “welcome home” to buyers. Garbage out and kitty litter freshly changed.

Grounds should be free of debris, porches and garage should be clean and uncluttered; lawn mowed, sidewalk and driveway free of grass clippings, or snow and ice.

Front door clean and free of finger and paw prints, fresh “welcome” mat. The foyer and front hall closet should be clean and uncluttered from multitudes of shoes, back packs, etc. Chandeliers, mirrors and windows should sparkle. Curtains opened and lights on wherever possible all say “welcome home.”

Kitchens and bathrooms sell homes. Fresh paint if necessary to brighten and freshen, as well as any touch-ups to walls or corner nicks. Remove counter brick-a-brac and fridge magnets – UNCLUTTER! Fresh or new towels. Dishes and clothes cleaned and put away, newspapers and magazines straightened, UNCLUTTER. Run vacuum through living area.

It’s important for the buyer to see this home as their new home and a very positive step in accomplishing this task is to remove your display of family photos from the walls, mantles, etc. In this way they will be able to mentally place themselves in the home as the owner and not just a visitor.

Make sure all mechanicals (tops of water heater, furnace, electrical box, etc.) are clean and polished. Check for cob webs in basement rafters and window wells are free of debris. All light bulbs should be working and free of dust, smoke detectors have fresh batteries.

Keep in mind that buyers are looking for more space. Empty your cupboards and closets of unnecessary items; and, if necessary, temporary storage units off-site for these items and possibly some bulky items of furniture all in the spirit of spaciousness.